Welcome to the DMVA
The Colorado Department of Military and Veterans Affairs contains three divisions, the Colorado National Guard, the Colorado Division of Veterans Affairs, and the Colorado Wing - Civil Air Patrol.
Colorado’s Department of Military and Veterans Affairs supports the Division of the Colorado National Guard in delivering land, air, space, and cyber power in support of state and federal operations; enables the Division of Veterans Affairs to deliver high quality service to the State’s Veterans and their families; and oversees the operations of the Colorado Wing of the Civil Air Patrol in delivering aerospace education and emergency services.
I am Looking For.....
Tuition Assistance
The State TA is a program designed to assist (Army/Air) CO National Guard members with the expense of tuition at public institutions. Currently, the State TA Program awards up to 100% of tuition ONLY (after COF /per semester) and cannot exceed $5000/ semester.
Veterans Memorial Cemetery
Veterans Memorial Cemetery of Western Colorado is scheduling interments Monday through Friday, excluding state and federal holidays. Currently, 20-minute honor and committal services are taking place in the committal shelter for 16 or fewer seated family members.
Western Region One Source
The Western Region One Source aims to become the trusted One Source in the Western Region of Colorado for all veterans, military service members, and their families seeking a connection with service providers and resources. Services include recreation, family support, and more.
County Veterans Service Offices
Each county in Colorado has a Veterans Service Office that offers free assistance to veterans. Their Service Officers specialize in assisting veterans, and their family members, with claims, applications, and appeals to the VA. If you are considering requesting services or submitting an application to the VA, we strongly recommend that you contact your County Veterans Service Office.
Division of Veterans Affairs
The Colorado Division of Veterans Affairs (DVA) is a state agency mandated by state statute. We offer advocacy to Colorado Veterans, family members and survivors in securing benefits they may be entitled to through their military service by providing the highest level of customer care and service with our specially trained service officers.
Property Tax Exemption
Qualified Disabled Veterans and Gold Star Spouses can receive 50% of the first 200,000 value of their home value exempted from their property tax. This exemption is for primary residences owned and occupied since 1 January of the year in which the Veteran or Gold Star Spouse is applying.
Important Publications
- 2023-2024 DMVA Performance Plan
- 2022-2023 DMVA Performance Plan
- Colorado Economic Impact of DoD, Vets, and DVA Activities - Abridged
- Colorado Economic Impact of DoD, Vets, and DVA Activities - Unabridged
- Colorado Military Value Report - Abridged
- Colorado Military Value Report - Unabridged
- Annual Report of the Board of Veterans Affairs
- Colorado Military Space Strategy